Am back bitches.....

⊆ 1:22 PM by Kola | . | ˜ 2 comments »

And this time its for good. The drastic turn that my life has taken in the past few months would have sent most to the crazy house. Through it all though, I have found that music has been my last resort. I think all this change is for the better, although it is taking some time for the dust to settle.

My quasi vacation, hasn't helped much either, because it seems that mundane things have all of a sudden gotten to become Herculean tasks. I think one needs to go somewhere remote with no access to the distracting technology and all, but then, survival becomes a problem without music.

SA-RA; these guys are sick, mind boggling, boomdiggity, fantaastically good, I mean this is the kind of stuff that simply takes you there. At the start of their not-so-new record; "The Hollywood Recordings" one can almost imagine, an announcer, urging you to strap on those nifty silver plated safety belts, as you get ready to jet off into the cosmic world created by "Sa-Ra Creative Partners. Note the word partners in their name, meaning this is a partnership not a group. Big difference if you ask me.

The record doesn't have one earthly moment as it sustains its cosmic feel for the entire journey through SA-RAstrosphere.

Just a taste: Hey Love

This post is dedicated to my best-test freind Bushra Baby!!

PS:(Mac mini + apple tv (160GB) +cinema display + mac book pro + 200GB external drive= music galore)

2 Responses to Am back bitches.....

  1. Skinny Hipster... Says:
    Oga Nawa O..........this appreciation for music is....WOW. I don't really know how to describe it. I knew you loved music but I had no idea …Lol
  2. Creative Corner Says:
    Olamide, Jason, Kola, Ola!

    A man with many names but 1 luv 4 Music. Thank you for the dedication. Your Love and comment to Music is so wonderful. Like everything else you put your mind to its KILLA....

    Again I want to take this time to let you know how PROUD I am of YOU. Keep up the hard work. The remote destination will come sooner than later. I'll make sure of it.

    Always B your BEST TEST.


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